Saturday, July 23, 2011 | DADT repeal certified by Obama, waiting period begins DADT repeal certified by Obama, waiting period begins from this date we have 60 days. Hmm...September 20th. It is my underlying belief that the Prez has method behind his madness. A thought to ponder for you all. Could the Prezman be sending the Republicans a message? Now...remembering we are discussing DOMA (Defense of marriage act) in the many of our serving Homosexual brothers and sisters have spouses? Is Mr. Obama forceing their hand? Could the Prezman be setting them up? Setting up for what, you asked? Well ponder this my little chik-a-dees! How many times during the Bush Admnistration and this on-going war, have we been told that we need to support the soldier in every way we can? Now how will it look if the repeal of DOMA fails on a Republican majority? It was under this same majority that Mr. Clinton signed it into law. HIS hands were tied. How will it look if we allow them to serve, yet not introduce their spouse. Not have the same benefits as the other soldiers. Not be allowed medical, death benefits, houseing, etc. If we want the repeal of DOMA in the United States, then this is a sure-fire method of haveing it done. No Republican, or any politician for that matter, wants to be construde as not supporting an American Soldier. Brilliant plan Mr. President! from this date we have 60 days. Hmm...September 20th. The repeal of DOMA perhaps? The plot thickens! More to follow my friends, more to follow.

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